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  • 4 Things That Live in Your Carpet Thumbnail
    September 29, 2021

    4 Things That Live in Your Carpet

    Do you have carpet in your home or workplace? The answer is probably yes. Do you have built up dirt, hair, dead skin, bugs, food, drinks, mold, and mildew in your carpet? You may want to say no, but the reality is that if you have carpet, you probably have these things hiding below the surface.
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  • Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Thumbnail
    May 19, 2015

    Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning

    Carpet care is constant so any technology that helps add efficiency and reduces re-soiling is a winning addition to your line-up. Encapsulation carpet solutions use polymers to seek out the soils, coat them and then dry in tiny pellets that don’t adhere to the carpet fibers. The benefit of using encapsulation solutions is that they allow for soil removal through dry vacuuming long after the shampooing itself is done.
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  • Keep Carpets Clean for Everyone’s Health Thumbnail
    March 11, 2013

    Keep Carpets Clean for Everyone’s Health

    Carpets come in endless styles and are found in just about every building. They keep rooms feeling warm against bare feet by insulating the floor. Carpeted floors don’t get slippery like hardwood, vinyl or tile floors, and the fibers and padding beneath provide a cushion against falls. Carpets covering a floor are even sound absorbent, reducing the echoing of footsteps and other noises. However, not everything about carpeting is positive.
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