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Thanking Our Custodial & Sanitation Superheroes Thumbnail

Thanking Our Custodial & Sanitation Superheroes

Custodial and sanitation workers have always been a key part of maintenance, cleanliness and keeping us safe, but during this outbreak, the importance of their roles has greatly increased. Officially deemed an essential job, cleaners have taken on the role of frontline soldiers in the battle to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Many are working tirelessly to keep essential businesses, manufacturers, hospitals and government buildings as clean and disease-free as possible. Concern about the shortage of personal protection products is a daily topic in the news and it's also a daily hardship in the sanitation field. Workers face the everyday fear of coming in contact with the possibly deadly virus, risking their own lives and their families' lives as well.

From trash collectors to school janitors, every individual in the custodial and sanitation field deserves recognition, respect, and support now more than ever. While cleaning jobs have historically been classified as a high safety risk, they are now extremely hazardous and we want to honor those who selflessly commit to keeping us safe.

Tell Us Your COVID-19 Story

How has work changed for you? Share your photos, stories or videos by emailing or comment on the Thank You Cleaning Heroes post on our Facebook page. It could be your personal experience as a custodial worker, honoring a family member or friend in the industry, recognizing a local cleaner or showing appreciation for the janitorial crew at your essential business.

We will be compiling the stories into a longer article and creating a thank you video with the content we receive. You’ll also have the chance to be selected to receive one of five swag packs and a $100 store credit. Please submit your entries by May 13th, 2020.

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