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2019 Release Your Inner CleanFreak Winner Thumbnail

2019 Release Your Inner CleanFreak Winner

Thank you to everyone who entered our 2019 Release Your Inner CleanFreak contest. We received some excellent, heartfelt stories and our team struggled to pick just one winner! We’ll be doing another contest for an equipment package in the fall, so stay tuned and make sure you’re subscribed to our weekly emails to receive the details.

And the Winner is…..

Did you know 85% of worker’s comp claims are from employees slipping on slick floors? Slips and falls are also the leading cause of visits to the ER each year. Our winners, Slip Solvers, are passionate about changing this statistic by making residential and commercial floors safer.

"My partner Darren and I just started a couple months ago a floor safety company to make floor safer and to prevent slip and fall accidents. We both started the company after we both lost our job to a company merger. Not wanting to work again for someone else we started Slip Solvers to help workplaces and residents surfaces become safer. The reality is a floor cannot be made safer without it first becoming clean so we are also learning how to be the best cleaners of surfaces. We are running the company very lean. Getting this company up and running is both of our families' only source of income Darren is a family of 6 with one on the way in Jan, and I am a family of 4 with a special needs son. Our family is our true reason of why we are doing this. We don't advertise much, most of our funds are in materials to make the floors safer. We are doing our selling old school cold calling accounts every week educating people of our services. This equipment would help with the cleaning of floors which we current do everything by hand to keep cost down and profits up. If we were selected as the winner, we would also like to play this forward and by donating our service to a charity and making their floors safer and promoting both Slip solvers and We really appreciate you looking out for the startups and this great contest of kindness. God bless your group."

Darrell Schletter, Co-Owner of Slip Solvers

Slip Solvers

About Slip Solvers

Located in Orlando, the Slip Solvers team is making wet floors safer. They can help you create a safer environment, reduce legal liabilities, and certify your floors as Slip Resistant. Their certified service is simple, fast, and inexpensive. Organizations like Starbucks, Marriott, Hyatt, McDonald's, and other national brands have improved their floor safety, and reduced their liability, using this certified approach.

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